Home Culture Imperious Cannabis Expo is Coming to Arizona

Imperious Cannabis Expo is Coming to Arizona

Image Credit: imperiousexpo.com

The first Imperious Expo of the year will be held at the Phoenix Convention Center on April 12-13. According to their website, the Imperious Expo is focused on Business to Business, developing contacts and growing companies involved with medical and industrial cannabis while not excluding recreational trade.

The Expo claims to be one of the best in the nation when it comes to business-to-business cannabis conferences. While their emphasis is mainly on the medical and industrial side of the cannabis industry, recreational companies have a place, too. Each of the conferences features various marijuana industry speakers operating businesses of different kinds. The Imperious Expo to be held this April in Phoenix, AZ will feature a mixture of west coast, central, and east coast cannabis expertise, according to their blog.

The conference will also feature an extensive list of exhibitors, providing industry representation from legalized markets around the U.S. Expert speakers will give presentations on cultivation, extraction, insurance, legal issues, licensing, sustainability and water usage.

Even politicians and state bureaucrats are getting in on the Imperious action, as it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize the lucrative potential of the expanding cannabis industry. Arizona State Representative Mark Cardenas will give a keynote address at the first day of the conference. Shaping Fire podcast host Shango Los will be delivering the keynote on the second and last day of the expo. Professionals from the NCIA, Yerba Beuna Farms, and Wana Brands will also be speaking.

The state of Arizona is in a prime, central location for such a conference. Expo organizers believe that this makes it more attractive to industry members interested in attending, which might be farther away from the west coast. You can drive to Phoenix in a few hours from San Diego, LA, and Las Vegas.

If you are interested in attending the 2017 Phoenix Imperious Expo, tickets are now are available online. Two-day passes to the event will set you back $148, and a one-day pass costs $88.

The Imperious Expo happens multiple times per year, so don’t worry if you miss this one in Phoenix. There will be an October Imperious Expo in Los Angeles.

Will you be attending the Imperious Expo this year, or have you attended a similar conference? What was your experience like, and would you go back or recommend it?