Home Culture Vape for Vets: O.penVape Donates to Grow for Vets

Vape for Vets: O.penVape Donates to Grow for Vets

Image Courtesy of Grow for Vets and O.penVAPE

The Colorado cannabis community is working for veterans on two fronts; legislatively with SB17-17, and medically, through the efforts of companies like O.penVape who just donated over four-thousand dollars to the organization Grow for Vets.

Bill SB17-17 aims to add Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to the list of qualifying conditions in Colorado. Last month, the bill passed its first hurdle in the State Military and Veterans Affairs Committee as it continues its legislative journey to become law.

O.penVape is one of the world’s largest consumer cannabis companies, their products are in ten states – soon to be sixteen – across the country. Their veteran-focused fundraising efforts are giving those who fought for the safety of America a safer alternative to addictive prescription medications.

Grow for Vets understands the need for safer access to cannabis for veterans suffering from an array of illnesses, including PTSD. Founded in Colorado, the organization now reaches dozens of states, providing vets free cannabis medicine.

Roger Martin, Founder and CEO of Grow for Vets, says his organization works to help veterans ease their pain by providing easier access to medical cannabis, a more beneficial alternative to opioids.  “We’re very interested in promoting access to safer cannabis as well as a safer delivery system,” he added. “This is why we are interested in working with O.penVAPE.”

The partnership between O.penVAPE and Grow for Vets has resulted in an ongoing fundraising effort.

In 2016, O.penVAPE pledged to donate one dollar from each O.penVAPE vaporizer sold in stores and online on Veterans Day. Only six weeks after the initial launch, Ralph Morgan, CEO of O.penVAPE, was happy to present the first of many checks to Martin.

The $4,808 dollars is just the beginning, says Morgan.

This year, the program will expand to include free oil for veterans on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Veterans Day. O.penVAPE will also be hosting Grow for Vets group meetings, where veterans can immerse themselves in discussion with their fellow comrades about the benefits of alternative medicine.

In addition, O.penVAPE plans to provide free empty cartridges to licensed businesses in exchange for distributing free oil to veterans.

“Pharmaceutical dependence and abuse is a national tragedy and our vets are not at fault,” Morgan said. “We want to help veterans, our heroes, find a safer path to relief, free of prescription drugs and the dangers associated with prolonged use of addictive drugs.”

“We do well by doing well for others, it’s our mantra,” said Morgan.