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UK Food Regulators Ban Charlotte’s Web and Other CBD Products, The Governor of Rhode Island Says Cannabis Sales Will Begin Next Week, and Colombian Senate Committee Approves Cannabis Legalization Bill

© Stock Pot Images / Photography by K. Baldwin, Styling by Malina Lopez

UK Food Regulators Ban Charlotte’s Web and Other CBD Products

The United Kingdom has yet to allow its citizens to have legal access to some form of cannabis. But the country has seen a boom in CBD sales, with the British market estimated to be worth about $1 billion. Despite the popularity CBD has seen across the country, it is still a largely unregulated product. Touting concerns over consumer safety, the British Food Standards Agency (FSA) now requires CBD manufacturers to receive government approval before selling their products. The agency has received applications from the manufacturers of over 12,000 CBD products. But the FSA disqualified approximately 100 products for a variety of undisclosed reasons. Among the banned products are three CBD oils made by the Charlotte’s Web brand, which is currently based in Colorado. 

The Governor of Rhode Island Says Cannabis Sales Will Begin Next Week

According to Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee, the state’s recreational cannabis sales will launch on December 1. The governor, in conjunction with the state Department of Business Regulation (DBR), announced that five medical cannabis dispensaries were licensed as “hybrid” retailers who will also be allowed to sell to recreational consumers. The DBR began accepting applications for hybrid retailers a month ago and the delays the state has faced in its licensing process have drawn criticism. In addition, the governor has not officially appointed commissioners to oversee the recreational cannabis market. While adults 21 and older in Rhode Island wait for retailers to become licensed so they can legally purchase their cannabis products, they are permitted to possess up to one ounce of cannabis and grow up to six plants for personal use. 

Colombian Senate Committee Approves Cannabis Legalization Bill 

For the first time, a cannabis legalization bill was approved by a Senate committee in Colombia. For the last several weeks, legislators have met multiple times to discuss the proposal to legalize marijuana. The proposed constitutional amendment would end cannabis prohibition in Colombia. It passed the First Committee of the Senate with a vote of 11-4. While this is certainly progress, there are several more steps the amendment must make through the legislative process before it can become law. Of the potential reform, Justice Minister Néstor Osuna said that Colombia has been victimized by “a failed war that was designed 50 years ago and, due to absurd prohibitionism, has brought us a lot of blood, armed conflict, mafias and crime.”