Home Culture There Won’t Be Any more Cannabis Café’s in Oregon

There Won’t Be Any more Cannabis Café’s in Oregon


The availability of cannabis clubs in Oregon has unfortunately already been cut short if you can believe it. Marijuana has only been recreationally available to purchase and consume in Oregon for a couple of months – but already they are starting to revise laws and informing businesses that they will no longer be able to continue operation.

There are currently only three cannabis cafes or clubs in the entire state of Oregon – and by the looks of it they will be the last three to occupy the state for quite some time.

These clubs operate similarly to the only existing cannabis club in Colorado. They are entirely “BYOB” or Bring Your Own Bud as it is illegal to smoke cannabis in the dispensaries. Even though they are not legally allowed to sell marijuana they are allowed to share their own homegrown plants if they have them.

To make money these clubs charge a “members fee” on a daily or monthly basis. So if you’re just a visitor passing through it would likely be easier to just pay for a day, enjoy your toke, and be on your way. On the other hand if you are local and you and a couple friends will be meeting up here after work from now on you will get a better value with the monthly membership.

Once inside most of these places offer drinks such as coffee, tea, water or soda as well as munchie foods such as candy and chips for a nominal price. This alone makes up for the fact that they cannot sell bud and still makes them plenty of money to keep the lights on and the refrigerator stocked.

Unfortunately, club owners had to recently let their members know that after January 1st they will no longer be in business due to a recent development in the Oregon Clean Air Act. This change states that it will no longer be acceptable to vaporize or atomize nicotine or cannabinoids indoors.

These changes are worded as follows:

A person may not smoke, aerosolize or vaporize an inhalant or carry a lighted smoking instrument in a public place or place of employment except as provided in ORS 433.850 [medical marijuana use in a medical facility].

“Public place” means an enclosed area open to the public.

“Inhalant” means nicotine, a cannabinoid or any other substance that is inhaled for the purpose of delivering the nicotine, cannabinoid or other substance into a person’s respiratory system.

Breaking this new law would result in fines potentially up to $500 PER DAY. That in itself is would be enough to keep most people from even attempting to work around this law.