Home Culture The Future of Cannabis on Display in Israel

The Future of Cannabis on Display in Israel

Jeff Zucker speaking at CannaTech. Image Credit: Twitter @AntoninCohen

Advancements in technology have become commonplace in our modern society; not a day goes by without there being some sort of announcement about a new creation or improvement on an old way of doing things.

The cannabis industry is no different. In fact, the case can be made that advancements in the cannabis industry are coming faster now because prohibition held them back for so long. As laws relax, everyone from scientists to entrepreneurs rush in to fill the space and get a jump on others when it comes to creating and discovering.

This phenomena was clearly on display this past week at CannaTech 2017, an annual event held in Tel Aviv, Israel, which is itself a hotbed of cannabis innovation. At CannaTech, hundreds of people from every aspect of the cannabis industry gather, whether they are from the tech side, the business side or the research side. For three days they hear TED Talk-style presentations and mingle with the brightest minds in the industry, sharing ideas and experiences.

“As an Israeli company, we’re proud to be on the forefront of innovation in our country’s cannabis industry,” Uri Zeevi, CEO of Seedo, told The Marijuana Times. “It’s important for us to have a presence at the conference, so as to remind potential cannabis investors and entrepreneurs that we’re dedicated to our country’s industry, medical patients, and consumers alike.” Seedo has launched a new auto grow box that takes care of everything while you are growing your plant and can be monitored/controlled via an app.

Much of the ground covered during the conference concerned agriculture and different techniques and new tools for growing cannabis plants in the best, most efficient way possible. Presentations were made indoors and outdoors, encompassing just about every facet of what can be accomplished in the cannabis industry.

“Israel is the most innovative country with respect to medical research and technology,” Michael Bologna, CEO of Green Lion Partners, told us. “With government support, the industry has rapidly risen to the forefront and CannaTech has done an incredible job capturing and presenting the market to a diverse and international crowd. Attending the event offers us the opportunity to learn from and interact with industry leaders from across the globe.” Green Lion makes several products, including a line of vaporizers called “Dipstick Vapes” and they used the conference to unveil a new vape called “Dipper,” a concentrate vaporizer.

Social media and the world of the Internet were also represented at the conference. “What really resonated with me at CannaTech is how global the cannabis industry has become – there were hundreds of investors and entrepreneurs from all over the world looking to gain knowledge and connections in cannabis markets worldwide,” Isaac Dietrich, CEO of the social media platform MassRoots, told The Marijuana Times. “As a global social platform for cannabis consumers, we’re able to partner with best-of-breed companies in markets all over the world, including the rapidly-emerging German, Canadian and Spanish markets. We look forward to continuing to rapidly expand MassRoots’ global footprint through events like CannaTech.”

Politicians, business leaders, doctors, researchers and investors from all over the world made the trek to Israel for CannaTech 2017 to teach and learn from others in one of the fastest-growing industries the world has ever known. In fact, one of the reasons it is growing so fast are conferences like CannaTech. When information and knowledge flow openly, progress occurs much faster. This is yet another reason the future of the cannabis industry is so bright.