Home Business Hana Dispensaries Partners with Resinate to Reduce Cannabis Packaging Waste in Arizona

Hana Dispensaries Partners with Resinate to Reduce Cannabis Packaging Waste in Arizona

Resinate stations will be hosted in both Phoenix and Green Valley Hana Dispensary Locations

Hana Dispensaries

A memo introducing new legislation to establish a recycling program for cannabis containers in New York from assemblywoman Patricia Fahy stated that the legal cannabis industry in the United States produces about 150 million tons of waste each year. Hana Dispensaries, one of Arizona’s original vertically integrated cannabis operations, will be helping to reduce this number with its new packaging recycling partnership with Resinate at both its Phoenix and Green Valley locations.

Resinate collaborates with local businesses to provide recycling solutions with help from their Energy Pods. These custom designed recycling bins collect plastics that would have gone into landfills and ecosystems. Resinate’s collection program has already repurposed over 314,399 containers, saving enough energy to power 467 electric cars. 

“We were finding out that even when cannabis packaging is recycled at home, it is often sorted out by recyclers and taken to landfills. Our dispensaries have always been about our local communities, and after running the numbers of potential packaging waste, we decided it was our responsibility to help with this issue,” said Hana Dispensaries CEO, Matt Pinchera.

Resinate Energy Pods are currently available for use at both the Phoenix and Green Valley Hana dispensary locations. Hana is one of the first locations for the new single step process energy pods which accepts empty and dry plastics such as pop-tops, mylar bags, and any other plastic cannabis packaging. Beginning January 1, 2022, customers that recycle at the Hana Dispensaries Energy Pods are entered for a chance to win $25 store credit. Each Hana location will randomly choose a winner each month. Customers can learn more about the program by visiting https://www.hanadispensaries.com/recycle. 

“The Resinate team is excited to work with Hana Dispensaries to extend this recycling service to the people of Green Valley and Pima County, as well as Hana’s new location in Phoenix. These two locations will become meaningful steps toward capturing and reusing the thousands of tons of packaging that our cities can’t recycle annually. I look forward to watching the program bring new and returning people into Hana’s doors to recycle, learn, and get rewarded,” said Garret Schwartz, Co-Founder and CEO of Resinate.

Hana Phoenix and Green Valley are open seven days a week and are located at 3411 E. Corona Ave, Suite 100 Phoenix, AZ 85040 and 1732 W. Duval Commerce Point Place, Green Valley, AZ 85614. To sign up to receive future promotions or to learn more about both Hana dispensary locations, visit www.hanadispensaries.com.