Home Culture Oregon Approves Home Delivery of Cannabis

Oregon Approves Home Delivery of Cannabis


The state of Oregon has now amended their cannabis laws to include one provision that is a first in the cannabis industry. They have decided to allow delivery services from dispensaries to residential homes. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission adopted this new policy and has now approved 117 dispensaries to deliver cannabis to their customers after a short delay that allowed them to come up with a way to ensure that deliveries were accounted for in the seed-to-sale system.

Those shops that have been approved for delivery will be able to deliver marijuana to any residential home within the limits of the city they are licensed in – but considering most places that deliver have a smaller delivery radius than that (think pizza places, Chinese food, etc. only deliver in a set area of so many blocks), there should be plenty of options for customers to choose from (and plenty of customers to go around). However, deliveries will not be made to hotels, campgrounds or dorm rooms.

“We needed to make an adaptation to the cannabis tracking system to provide a document that would actually allow for the delivery of recreational marijuana to homes,” OLCC Spokesperson Mark Pettinger said in the report.

Once an order is placed (and likely paid for over the phone or via online orders) those dispensaries will be off delivering right to people’s doorstep – with a few restrictions, of course. Vehicles transporting marijuana will not be allowed to carry more than $3,000 worth of product at a time, and that product will need to be kept in a locked box and secured to the vehicle to ensure as much safety in transport as possible. Also, there won’t be any late night deliveries, as they will only be allowed to deliver between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.

“It’s super exciting,” said Spencer Krutzler, manager of La Cannaisseur in Linnton, one of the first retailers licensed for delivery in Portland. “I definitely expect to a smile on everyone’s face when we show up to that front door.”

Just recently, Portland had already approved a local ordinance that would create a new business license – one for marijuana couriers, who could set up a physical location as “headquarters” but could not sell marijuana out of the location. Clearly the idea of cannabis delivery is a popular one all around – and it’s great that both a major city and the state decided to work out a way for cannabis to be delivered legally. Hopefully they will find success in these ventures and other states will consider jumping on board with similar policies.