Home Culture Pro-Pot Instagrammers Post to Spark the Vote

Pro-Pot Instagrammers Post to Spark the Vote

Image Credit: Cannabis Cultural Association Instagram, @cannacultural

Tuesday was election night in America.

Of the nine states voting for marijuana reforms, Florida was first to get the results.

#orlandoflorida #miami #jaxbeach #tampa #cannabiscommunity #weedbebetteroff #flyirie

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Floridians in support of medical marijuana turned out in droves on Tuesday, electing to allow patients the right to the plant, 70 percent to 29 percent. The ballot initiative, Amendment 2, required 60 percent of the vote to pass, and with a whopping 70 percent – it’s no mystery what the sunshine state wants. Florida is in the history books as the first southern state to pass medical marijuana.

According to Ballotpedia, in 2014, a medical marijuana ballot initiative fell 2.4 percent shy of passing. The difference between then and now: the 2016 initiative brings clarity regarding parental consent for underage use, and further explains the qualifying debilitating illnesses.

The two candidates for the major parties are among the most unpopular in presidential election history. Despite the unlikeable nominees, these canna-accounts on Instagram showed their love and support for the plant.

#repost from @magicalbutter #vote #cannabis #medical #legalize #hemp #patientsoverprofit #2016 #electionday

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The real winner tonight… congrats everyone.

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For all those canna haters. Can't deny #Hemp so get out there and VOTE

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Vote for Cannabis ✅ Design Created by @Self33 #weed420feed ??✌?️

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Only a few hours left! Make your voices heard #America #Vote @cannalawblog #elections #legalize #medical #electionday #cannabis #hemp

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