Home Culture Colorado Celebrates Women in the Industry at the 5th Annual Mother’s High...

Colorado Celebrates Women in the Industry at the 5th Annual Mother’s High Tea


The most influential and successful women in weed gathered in Denver just days prior to Mother’s Day for the 5th annual Mother’s High Tea in Denver. The elegant party by 4&20 Blackbird is an annual tradition, celebrating women in the cannabis industry and pushing forward in the fight for equality in the workforce.

1Delicious Finger Foods

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

The kid-friendly event had delicious finger foods and tea, none of which was infused with cannabis.

2Tea Time

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

Tea time for Melanie Rodgers of Millennial Marketing Solutions (L), Kathryn Gentry of Caregivers for Life (M), and Kendra Soderberg of Mammoth Microbes (R).

3Tea Offerings

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

Tea offerings included: Ginger Peach, Rose Oolong and Elegant Earl Grey.

4CORE Network 

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

These women were educating attendees about the CORE network, whose mission is to provide data-driven, evidence-based information on the medical efficacy and risks associated with consumption of cannabis to community members including patients, researchers, and clinicians.


Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

The kid-friendly event had arts and crafts, too. 

6Breaking the Grass Ceiling 

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

Breaking the Grass Ceiling, the new female-centric book by Ashley Picillo and Lauren Devine were given out to the first 100 attendees. The book features interviews with the brightest and most influential women in cannabis.

7Bubble Fun 

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

A young lady blows bubbles at Mother’s High Tea.

8Sara Conrad and Caren Kershner

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

Sara Conrad of Sara C’s It marketing firm enjoyed some sweet bite-sized treats alongside Caren Kershner of the Colorado Industrial Hemp Coalition.

9Photo Op 

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

The women of the press take the spotlight for a moment as Marijuana Times journalist Chloe Sommers and Westword marijuana editor Kate McKee Simmons take a break for a photo op.

10Delicate Desserts 

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

The tea party was stocked with delicate bite-sized desserts.

11Pam Orth and Melanie Rodgers

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

Pam Orth of Restorative Botanicals and Melanie Rodgers of Millennial Marketing Solutions make networking look amazing in their floral print dresses.

12Jaime Lewis of Mountain Medicine

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

Jaime Lewis of Mountain Medicine said she’s proud of her female employees and recommends hiring women because among their many amazing traits, they are master multi-taskers.

13Group Shot 

Image Courtesy of Chloe Sommers

A group shot of Mother’s High Tea host Susan Squibb, aka the Cannabis Maven (Front left), Melanie Rodgers of Millennial Marketing Solutions (Front right), Kendra Soderberg of Mammoth Microbes (Back row left), Westword marijuana editor Kate McKee Simmons (Back row middle), and Kathryn Gentry of Caregivers for Life.