Home Culture How the NAIHC Promotes Industrial Hemp

How the NAIHC Promotes Industrial Hemp


The idea of growing industrial hemp in North America has been coming for a long time. The North American Industrial Hemp Council, Inc., or NAIHC, was formed in the mid-1990s with a clear-cut mission and vision.

The vision is to reestablish and expand the use of industrial hemp.

The mission is to form and establish relationships, develop policies, promote the development of products and to form a better understanding of industrial hemp.

The current Board of Directors of the NAIHC is a compilation of experts in agriculture, renewable energy, marketing and investment development, among others. Armed and ready for legislation to be enacted for the growing and production of industrial hemp, this organization offers a broad spectrum of information on the facts about hemp, the latest news and upcoming legislation.

A forum lists active participants of industrial hemp related subjects and is growing each day. People from all over the world are searching for products made from industrial hemp, information on hemp growing in North America, and questions on how to get started in the industry. This open forum is free to the public and offers a wealth of information.

Scroll through the technical aspects of the plant anatomy and educate yourself with little known facts of this ancient and deserving fiber and food plant. You can find the link here.

Industrial hemp is moving closer to becoming the crop of the future in the Americas. Keep up to date with research, new legislation, or how to become an active member and to get ahead of the game. The NAIHC is a serious 501(c)(3) non-stock nonprofit organization that can provide critical news and information on this fast moving crop of the future.

Visit their website for more information on The North American Industrial Hemp Council, Inc. and how you can get involved.