Home Culture NORML Lobby Days 2016

NORML Lobby Days 2016


1Pre-NORML Lobby Days Mixer

A vendor takes a machete to a coconut, selling the freshest drink at the pre-NORML lobby day mixer at Eden Lounge in Washington, D.C.

2Lee Hopcraft

DC resident, Lee Hopcraft, welcomes NORML out-of-towners to the DC cannabis community at the pre-lobby day mixer with a shirt resembling the District’s flag, but with cannabis leaves.

3The Golden Joint

Executive Director of NORML about to light up a symbolic golden joint. It was given to him by the pre-lobby day mixer sponsor, DC High Life, to kick off NORML lobby days at Eden Lounge, in Washington, D.C.

4NORML Directors

Past and current NORML Directors on stage. From L to R: Jon Gettman, NORML Executive Director, Allen St. Pierre, and Keith Stroup, NORML Founder at the lobby days in Washington, D.C. At the conference leading up to the NORML Lobby Day, on May 23, 2016 at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs.

5Russ Belville

Russ Belville, also known as Radical Russ, is a radio cannabis talk show host who has been reporting about cannabis reform all over the country. He spoke about the art of podcasting at the educational conference leading up to NORML’s lobby day, on May 23, 2016 at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs.

6Kristen Gwynne and Bruce Barcott

Kristen Gwynne, editor-at-large for The Influence and Bruce Barcott, Deputy News Director at Leafly discussed why average news reporters aren’t treating cannabis news like any other beat at the NORML educational conference at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs.

7Lobby Day Listeners

Directors of NORML chapters from Virginia to Denver listen to Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) lend his support to the pro-cannabis cause on their lobby day, May 24, 2016 on the Hill.

8Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

The first sitting congressman in 30 years admits to illegally using a THC-infused candle to treat a surfing injury in his shoulder. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) is a long-time supporter of NORML and the pro-cannabis agenda.

9Allen St. Pierre

I asked NORML executive director, Allen St. Pierre, what it means for an elected congressman to admit to illegally using cannabis, medically. In the same chamber, minutes after the congressman admitted his use, St. Pierre said, ”[It] speaks to the fact that he is a fellow traveler of the road…he’s a fellow cannabis consumer, and like most of us, he’s agreed that the laws are as bad as they are.”