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O.penVape is Raising Money to Help Veterans Gain Safer Access to Medical Cannabis


When a company becomes successful in the way that O.penVape has, it is nice to see them doing what they can to give back to the community – and the team at O.penVape has been doing exactly that. A press release that went out on November 2nd announced the start of the company’s latest fundraising efforts – where the proceeds will be given to Grow for Vets USA, a non-profit organization that aims to help veterans get safe access to medical marijuana as well as help them grow quality medicine of their own.

Participating dispensaries in Colorado will be giving away O.penVape cannabis oil to veterans on Friday, November 11th for Veteran’s Day; and a dollar from the sale of every camouflage or American flag O.penVape vaporizer sold online or in stores will be donated to Grow for Vets USA. Only vaporizers sold through their licensed network in Colorado, Oregon, New Mexico, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada will count towards these donations.

“Our organization works to help veterans ease their pain by providing easier access to medical cannabis, a more beneficial alternative to opioids,” Martin said (executive director of Grow for Vets USA). “We are very interested in promoting safer access to cannabis as well as a safer delivery system.”

Fundraising like this helps to bring awareness, as well as bring in some much needed donations. Veterans face a difficult situation when it comes to using cannabis therapy since it is illegal on a federal level. They cannot go through the doctors at the VA – where their insurance is covered – to get medical marijuana. They must find their own private physician first – and then figure out not only how best to medicate, but also how best to afford their medicine. The Grow for Vets USA group is helping veterans to find safer alternatives – something they desperately need.

Aside from fundraising for Grow for Vets USA, O.penVape has also recently sponsored the O.penVape Open Charity Golf Tournament, which was able to donate $40,000 to the Flowering Hope Foundation, a company focused on helping businesses throughout the cannabis industry to give back to their communities.

Hopefully the company will continue to use their brand to promote the health and wellness of everyone, but especially those who come back home after serving in the military.