Home Food Recipe: Holiday Cannabis Hot Cocoa

Recipe: Holiday Cannabis Hot Cocoa


It smells like snow outside, and I find nothing more comforting for the aching joints after walking the dog on a cold winter’s evening than a nice, hot cup of cocoa in front of the living room fire. This recipe packs a punch, but it deals very effectively with headaches, back pain, and hangovers that just won’t quit. A good friend of mine’s mother, who is receiving treatment for bone marrow cancer, swears by it for helping her fall asleep when she feels ill.


1 cup milk
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1-2 tbsps sugar (any kind will do)
1 tbsp THC butter
6 marshmallows or whipped cream and broken candy pieces


  1. Scald (bring to just before boiling) milk in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Milk boils and then burns very quickly, so be vigilant. Remove from heat.
    2. Whisk in cocoa, sugar and butter. Pour into a large mug. The butter will rise to the top of the cocoa, but some decorative toppings will take care of that!
    3. Top with marshmallows or whipped cream and broken pieces of your favorite holiday candy.

Nutritional Info:

(If made with 2% milk, 1 tbsp granulated sugar and marshmallows): 293 calories; 17.9g fat; 29.9g carbs; 10.1g protein.


  1. Hi I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions on taking
    Pot for chronic sleep problems. Have tried all sleep drugs. I have very little sleep if any and its causing real problems to my body! Had severe sleep issues for years…since my mid 30’s and Im 66 now! I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder at 35. Had lots of pain that probably set off the mental health disorder. I can go days with out sleep and Im not tired even?? Docs dont know why?? Ive dabbled with pot but dont know what Im doing!?? Please help. You can text me at 253 632 0603 or send me an email at sandyrogen7@gmail.com. Thank you so much!! Sandy Rogen