Home Medical The Results from the Largest Medical Marijuana Study Ever Are In

The Results from the Largest Medical Marijuana Study Ever Are In

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The very first FDA approved study done with cannabidiol (CBD) in a compound form called Epidiolex has reached its completion. The reason for this study was to have a reliable and controlled study of how Epidiolex works for patients with epilepsy – which shouldn’t be a surprise as there have been hundreds of stories of seizure-free children being medicated with medical marijuana.

For the purpose of this study they had a total of 313 children and young adults from 16 different epilepsy centers around the United States. During the three month period each of the patients was given Epidiolex in place of any previous medications.

After the 3-month period was over, 261 of the 313 patients had seen on average a reduction in seizures by nearly half – all with very few, if any side effects.

If you think that’s impressive, then consider that 9% of all patients experienced a 100% reduction in seizures – meaning they were completely seizure free, many for the first time in their entire life. Of that 9%, 13% had a specific form of epilepsy known as Dravet Syndrome.

Since this was only the first of what will (hopefully) be many more studies with CBD medications like Epidiolex, this was an excellent result! With results this good they are likely to keep going with it – and the fact that this study was done on a federal level might just have cornered them into having no choice but to reschedule marijuana on the controlled substances list.

After all – they cannot ignore their own findings forever – especially not when so many people like myself want this to be known! Marijuana IS medicine, end of story. There really isn’t a way to logically deny that anymore and yet people still try left and right.

At least now, in the case of epilepsy, people will know that this really does work. Without marijuana, these people would still be suffering from multiple seizures a day – for some of them hundreds each and every month.

Can you imagine being a parent with a child with epilepsy, knowing that there is a way to control – and even cure your child’s disease – and knowing you can’t do anything about it because it’s illegal?

This is the reason that so many parents are demanding medical marijuana for their children – and this study proves that they are not wrong, it does work! It works extremely well in a large majority of individuals and all with hardly any side effects.

I can’t wait to see where this study leaves us a few years from now.


  1. As low cost, high-CBD cannabis varieties (that also provide the beneficial ‘entourage’ effects), are now widely available, there’s no need for costly Epidiolex nor any other single-molecule pharmaceutical product. And who in their right mind would trust Big Pharma and their paid political allies, anyway?

  2. Hi. If you’ll allow me to play the devil’s advocate here, I was wondering what the “very few, if any, side effects” were? You have to know that the opponents of legalization, (and I’m NOT one of them), are going to focus on this issue to support a continued stand against legalization. Information is what’s going to get cannabis legalized. By only mentioning that there are “side effects” to the treatment and then moving on, you are leaving yourself open to attack from prohibitionists. Everything has to be on the table,..nothing hidden, or they will try to use that against you.

  3. Hi. If you’ll allow me to play the devil’s advocate here, I was wondering what the “very few, if any, side effects” were? You have to know that the prohibitionist side, (and I am NOT one of them), will try to use this particular issue to support a continued stand against legalization. By simply mentioning that there are side effects, and then moving on, you are leaving yourself open to attack and continued misinformation. Everything has to be on the table,.. nothing hidden, or their tactics of fear-mongering and disseminating ignorance will continue. Information is what’s going to get cannabis legalized. Don’t allow them to think, (or say), that you are in any way afraid of, or trying to hide, the entire truth.
    Keep up the good work! 🙂

  4. It’s an uncontrolled study, so we don’t know if these results differ much from not prescribing anything at all (placebo). So it looks great but maybe just the medical attention helps a lot too. The original article states that randomized control trials are now being conducted, so let’s wait on those results before we celebrate.