Home Culture Another Group of Healthcare Professionals is Endorsing California’s Proposition 64

Another Group of Healthcare Professionals is Endorsing California’s Proposition 64


Over the last few months we’ve seen multiple organizations endorse California’s Proposition 64, which would legalize marijuana for adult use if passed this November. While a large number of law enforcement (with the exception of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition who endorsed the initiative recently) against the initiative, the doctors – those who actually know and care about our health – are showing more support than many might have expected.

Back in February, while the petition was still circulating for signatures, the initiative was endorsed by the California Medical Association – the state’s largest association of physicians and nurses. If that doesn’t say that cannabis is a safe enough substance to be regulated properly, then perhaps it will help that they have now been joined by the California Academy of Preventive Medicine (CAPM), the second largest association of doctors and physicians in the state.

“Proposition 64 is a thoughtful, comprehensive measure based on sound, evidence-based science that will protect public health and fund vital health programs for California’s youth,” said CAPM legislative director Donald Lyman. “Now that Gov. Brown and the California Legislature have regulated medical marijuana, California needs a new and safe approach to controlling and regulating adult-use marijuana — one that ends improper diversion by healthy adults into the medical system, one that allows for evidence-based clinical research into the effects of cannabis and one that protects children and funds proven public health programs.”

This means that it is likely the majority of physicians and nurses in California have endorsed Proposition 64 – they believe that marijuana is safe and that it should be regulated. This will make people with health concerns related to marijuana use (over-intoxication, a child accidentally getting into it, etc.) more likely to come forward, after all. Think about it – if you know THC cannot kill, but you could get into trouble for admitting to having it, then wouldn’t you just wait it out instead of seeking medical care?

With the right system, legalized marijuana can do a lot to help out a state in many ways – the economy absolutely benefits, just look at Colorado, Washington and Oregon! If doctors are asking to legalize it (and they don’t benefit because they could lose patients for easier access anyway), then perhaps voters who are still on the fence about legalization should take that into consideration. Most physicians wouldn’t recommend something that they didn’t know was safe, after all.