Home Culture Ganjaprenuers – Cannabis Colleges

Ganjaprenuers – Cannabis Colleges

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Following in the footsteps of pioneers like Oaksterdam University (http://oaksterdamuniversity.com/), Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia is now offering a cannabis enthusiast’s dream course.

The cannabis course in Canada (say that three times fast) is called Introduction to Professional Management of Marijuana for Medical Purposes in Canada. The course will teach students how to start and run a fully legal canna-business under Canadian government regulations.

Tegan Adams, the business development manager at Experchem Laboratories Inc., will instruct the 14 week long online cannabis course. Her company helps producers improve and diversify their various submissions to the medicinal cannabis review board at Health Canada.

You have a lot of people that are really good at growing marijuana who are used to black market and a lot of people that are investing in the marijuana industry are coming from different industries and there is a gap in the middle where Health Canada is regulating their production and neither of those two groups knows how to deal with it,” Adams recently said on CBC Radio’s The Early Edition.

These courses aim to create opportunities for cannabis professionals to get started in the multi-billion dollar legal cannabis industry.

The course is reported to feature four different modules: plant production, legalities and regulations, marketing and sales and medical conditions and drug development.

Adams made it abundantly clear that the course does not promote or even suggest illegal growing. Every student who takes this course, whether they graduate or not, will be expected to follow legal cannabis regulations and guidelines.

“If you want to grow illegally, I’m sure there are many ways to look into that, but if you want to comply with federal guidelines and be part of a growing industry, that’s more the audience we are looking at,” Adams added on-air.

My fellow American cannabis professionals – fear not. There are at least a few legal cannabis courses here at home. Of course, any cannabis enthusiast on the west coast with a pulse has heard about Oaksterdam University. Made even more popular by nationwide TV coverage, Oaksterdam has have been teaching students how to grow and sell legally for years.

Evidently, there is a market need for these types of canna-courses here on the east coast. With Ohio voting on legal cannabis in November, could we see a Buckeyesterdam University in years to come? We can only hope.